Rabu, 06 Mei 2009

.step into the jungle of jazz.

created ;
nunu, donad, ditjaw, bram

Selasa, 05 Mei 2009


Jakarta morning...

good morning,
sun is rising
bird is singing
and i must go to work
before i start my daily activity
a cup of coffee and one slice of cake
can be a good choice.

"GOD bless my all day"

.psychedelic invashion.

fotografer and stylish ; bram martian & nunu
model ; jhoni & nunu
lokasi ; menteng
wardrobe ; model

Senin, 04 Mei 2009

.V I V A.L A.V I D A.

flying high like a bird
flying high to see the sun

i want to flying

when i see u
when i meet u
when i know u

..i want to hold your hand..